Who Put Out the Lights?

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Both the Metro Board and WSDM – District Managers have been aware for some time of the problem with the Cathedral Pines monument lighting at the intersection of Milam and Shoup Roads.  One of the two solar lights has been either strobing or completely out for a number of weeks.  We have had several electricians out to look at either changing fixtures or replacing the existing ones.  Because of the small size of the project and the research required to identify a replacement fixture, this project has moved much slower than originally expected.  However, those delays have now been resolved and we anticipate the new light to be installed within the next two weeks.

Thanks for your patience as we resolve this issue—and thanks to those of you who reported the problem to either Metro Board members or WSDM.  We don’t always pick up on problems immediately, so we appreciate those residents who bring them to our attention.